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たとえば、Lucidaスーパーファミリーには、Lucida Sans、Lucida Serif、Lucida Typewriter Sans、Lucida Typewriter Serif、LucidaMathのフォントが含まれています。








body {
  background-color: black;
  font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;
  color: gray;

h1 {
  font-family: Georgia, serif;
  font-size: 60px;
  color: white;





Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.




Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Google Fontsは無料で使用でき、1000以上のフォントから選択できます。




Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.



Beautiful Norway

Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.

Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.

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