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Object Description of the AppendChunk Method

You can use the AppendChunk method for a Parameter object if the Attributes property is set to adFldLong.

First time you call the AppendChunk method on a Parameter object it overwrites any existing data. The next AppendChunk calls add data to existing parameter data.


You can use the AppendChunk method for a Field object if the Attributes property is set to adFldLong.

First time you call the AppendChunk method on a Field object it overwrites any existing data. The next AppendChunk calls add data to existing data. If you append data to one field and then set or read the value of another field in the current record, ADO assumes that you are finished appending data to the first field. If you then call the AppendChunk method on the first field again, ADO will overwrite the existing data. Accessing fields in other Recordset objects that are not clones of the first Recordset object will not disrupt AppendChunk operations. There must be a current record when you call the AppendChunk method on a Field object.

Note: This method does not work on Field objects of a Record object.


objectname.AppendChunk data

Parameter Description
data The data to append
