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注: ParentURLプロパティは自動的に更新されません。レコードを閉じてから、新しいURLで再度開く必要があります。




Parameter Description
src Optional. The URL of the file or directory that will be copied/moved
dest Optional. The URL to the location where src will be copied/moved
username Optional. The user ID that authorizes access to dest
psword Optional. The password that verifies username
opt For CopyRecord: Optional. A CopyRecordOptionsEnum value that specifies the behavior of this method. Default is adCopyUnspecified

For MoveRecord: Optional. A MoveRecordOptionsEnum value that specifies the behavior of this method. Default is adMoveUnspecified

async Optional. A Boolean value that, when True, sets this operation to be asynchronous


Constant Value Description
adCopyUnspecified -1 Default. Will not allow over write or recursive copy
adCopyOverWrite 1 Overwrites the file/directory if it already exists
adCopyNonRecursive 2 Copies the current directory (none of its subdirectories) to the destination (this operation is not recursive)
adCopyAllowEmulation 4 Requests that the provider attempt to simulate the copy. If the attempt to copy the Record fails because the destination URL is on a different server or serviced by a different provider than the source, this may cause data loss


Constant Value Description
adMoveUnspecified -1 Default. Will not overwrite any file/ directory at the destination location. Will also update links
adMoveOverWrite 1 Overwrites the file/directory if it already exists
adMoveDontUpdateLinks 2 Modifies the default behavior of MoveRecord method by not updating the links of the source Record. The default behavior depends on the capabilities of the provider
adMoveAllowEmulation 4 Requests that the provider attempt to simulate the move. If the attempt to move the Record fails because the destination URL is on a different server or serviced by a different provider than the source, this may cause data loss
